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You matter to God!


I am delighted to welcome you to Inspiration Life Community Church. My prayer is that you will find hope and encouragement as you navigate its pages. At Inspiration Life Community Church, we believe that every person is significant and matters to God.

There is so much God has put in you and we believe it is for such a time as this. It is an exciting time in life to serve Jesus and to give all we are to reveal all He is to our world. Come be a part of an experience of a lifetime in ILCC as we help you to reveal the God-colors in you. If you are ever in our city, join this inspired, excited and motivated family in one of our services.

You matter to God!

Pastor Wale Afelumo

Lead Pastor, Inspiration Life Community Church


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Services & Meetings



8:30am | Sunday Service



6:00pm | Emerge Service

Services In Pictures


Latest Messages

You can now listen, watch, read or download the latest inspiring messages form inspiration Life Community Church. You can now listen, watch, read or download the latest inspiring messages form inspiration Life Community Church.

Daily Devotionals

You’re welcome to Inspired2go. I believe that the outcome of a person’s day is largely determined by how it starts; so if you start your day with a word of inspiration and encouragement, you tend to stay positive and well motivated for the day, and are likely to end the day on a great note. Be Inspired as you read.

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We’re always eager to bring out the God-colors in people, stretching them to live a life of purpose and impact, and joining hands with them to help them accomplish heights they thought impossible. We hope theses insights and resources will provide the right nutrients of the Word of God that will cause the seed of greatness in you will flourish and grow into a giant oak tree. Be inspired!

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We will be very pleased to have you join us at Inspiration Life Community Church. We meet every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Please contact 09080000000 for more information.

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