24th March 2019
Psalm 22:1-2 & Psalm 18:41
A roadblock can be anything that STOPS or blocks progress. It is something that prevents the accomplishment of an objective. It can be a barricade, barrier, wall, obstacle or hurdle.
Roadblocks vs. Prayers
Prayer is a command from God and a necessity to live a victorious Christian life. However, it is not every time that our prayers get the results we desire. Why do some people seem to have their heavens closed up? It is because there are roadblocks that stop our prayers from being answered; attitudes and behaviors that become obstacles to receiving our desired results.
Roadblocks to Prayers:
- Muted mouths: James 4:2
We must open our mouths to ask or else how do we expect God to open His hands to supply? Jesus said, “ask, and it shall be given.”
- Me motives: James 4:3
Who does your prayer benefit other than you? Covetousness is a roadblock in prayers. It is important that you check that your motives in prayer are not self-centered.
- Divine decision: Mark 14:3
One major reason some prayers are not answered is because they are not in line with God’s will for us. Having done all to stand, stand therefore, trust and thank God nonetheless. Trust God. Even when we can’t see His hands, we trust His heart.
- Faith famine: James 1:6-8
When we pray but we do not really believe that God will do what He has said He would do, that is double-mindedness. When your mouth utters prayers and your mind resides in unbelief, do not expect God to answer.
- Discouraging delays: Hebrews 10:36-38
Oftentimes, satan uses delays in answers to prayers to wear out many Christians. If we must receive, we must persist like the woman who troubled the unjust judge till she got answers.
- Crisis cries: Proverbs 1:24&28
Some people treat prayers like 911 calls; they never call on God until there is an emergency; a ‘fire brigade’ approach. God wants a relationship. Therefore, when we do not develop intimacy with God, it makes answers to prayers very slow in coming.
- Hard hearts harboring hatred: Mark 11:25-26
If we pray while holding bitterness or hatred in our hearts (or not talking to someone), our prayers are hypocritical. God’s ears are closed to the prayers of mean-spirited, hardhearted, malice keeping Christians.
- Domestic discord: Malachi 2:13-14 & 1 peter 3:7
If you don’t make your marriage a priority, God will not make your prayers a priority. If you mistreat your spouse, you weaken the power in your oneness and your prayers won’t be effective. Your spouse is God’s first gift to you, how you treat them will determine how or if God will give you other gifts.
- Sinful stains: psalm 66:18
If you’re praying and things aren’t happening, the first place to look is within. Sin is a barrier to our fellowship with God and living a deliberate sinful life can be a roadblock in prayers. The devil takes advantage of sin so that he can hinder our prayers; he is the accuser of the brethren.
A lot of introspection needs to be done when we seem to be dealing with unanswered prayers, and the place to beam the searchlight is mostly on us not God. Having these roadblocks in our lives, being unwilling to deal with them, yet praying and expecting God to answer is witchcraft; it is the height of self-delusion. One way to clear the roadblocks is to identify each and commit to removing it by acting differently.